Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Ski For Light

What a welcome I have received in South Dakota! The people from the SFL Organization as well as the local townspeople are incredibly friendly! Many thanks to George Lee, SFL Director, for his assistance and sponsorship of our accomodations...
Last night, after a long day of travel, we went to Saloon 10 - the infamous barroom where Wild Bill Hicock was shot dead as he held a hand of "Aces and Eights." We met several former Ms. Wheelchair South Dakotas, and many participants in the SFL program. We had a great time on the dance floor with Tara, Linda, Vicky, Kari, Al, B.Y., and lots more folks who came to see the band.

With temperatures hovering at 0 and wind chills in the negative teens, we skipped the mountain today, but had a great time gambling and seeing the town! Tonight we're going to a Texas Hold 'Em Tournament, then another late night at The Lucky Nugget...

I also got to spent some time with one of the SFL founders, Dallas Dietrich...

Tommorrow, we'll be braving the cold and heading for the slopes. Check back soon for pictures!!!