Saturday, March 22, 2008

Job Opportunities for People with Disabilities

Hire Disability Solutions, LLC is a national leader in recruiting the best and brightest people for visionary companies. They provide superior recruitment via the Hire DS Career Network powered by Monster®. They are excited to announce that they have many Job Opportunities available for people with disabilities in the following industries:

* Administrative and Support Services
* Art and Entertainment
* Banking and Finance
* Engineering
* Guest Services
* Healthcare
* Information Technology
* Manufacturing
* Marketing
* Publishing
* Research
* Retail
* Skilled Trade

If you are disabled and seeking employment, Submit Your Resume Here!

The Hire Disability Solutions community consists of corporations who have a commitment to helping individuals with disabilities succeed. Individuals with disabilities seeking employment, and others who believe in our mission of "Giving all that want to succeed, the opportunity to succeed," are encouraged to browse the website at:

Hire Disability Solutions was founded in response to the increasing demand for services for individuals with disabilities that promote inclusion into the mainstream employment world. Since its inception in 2004, Hire Disability Solutions has established itself as a national leader in protecting and enhancing employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Through its educational campaigns surrounding employment law, education opportunities and assistive technology, the company facilitates the success of individuals with disabilities and employers alike.