I have a very busy year coming up ahead of me, doing outreach and advocacy work on behalf of people with disabilities all across the country. I will be working hard to spread the word about the accomplishments and achievements of people who use wheelchairs. I will also be trying my best to get representatives from all 50 states to compete in next year's Ms Wheelchair America competition.
At the same time, I will be advocating for vital programs and services that facilitate empowerment and success for people with disabilities, such as employment, access, education, transportation, housing, health insurance, and more.
I also hope to encourage people with disabilities to remain as active and healthy as possible by speaking about my personal platform: physical fitness for people with disabilities.
Another big part of my role as Ms Wheelchair America will involve disseminating information and resources to people with disabilities as well as to the business, political, and lay communities. To further this end, I will be updating my blog daily with news, events, activities and other helpful information. I welcome you to check back often, and feel free to contact me at any time. Be sure to check out my Calendar of Events link at the bottom of the page to find out about my official appearances and upcoming events.
Thank you everybody for all the support you've given me... I'm looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!
For anyone interesed in seeing my advocacy work to-date, please visit my Ms Wheelchair Massachusetts 2007 blog at: www.mswheelchairmass07.blogspot.com.